Friday Night Comics

There’s a mountain of poorly posed Gay 3D porn comics on the web with horrendous facial expressions. There’s no originality to their characters. And there’s zero effort in creating sexy, appealing men and twinks. And it gives 3D porn a bad name.

This is what an erotic gay comic is. Pure pure raw sex. Fantasies created by a gay eye for gay eyes. And actually, any other eyeballs that might find them entertaining.

Starting tonight, there will be a new comics uploaded every Friday night. I use the word “comic” very loosely. Several years back I had several webcomics going that I updated regularly. Making one 8.5″ X 11″ sheet complete with panels was time consuming. I let quality slip in favor of quantity. You would think relying on a 3D program to render the image would speed the process up. After all, my comics aren’t hand drawn. I use DAZ3D, Z-Brush and Photoshop for post-work. I strive to take the art beyond the bad reputation that gay 3D porn has. It’s time consuming putting the sets together, lighting the scene as you would a stage and carefully posing the characters.

My comic Kong is a good example. The first page is how I envisioned the comic. The second page is the result of choosing quantity over quality. The smaller renders and square format was quicker. Some panels consisted only of 1 image.

Chapter 1
Chapter 5

The quality of the original 3D renders wavered as well, but overall showed improvement as the chapters went by. This is my old comic “Tutoring Jay” and it gradually improved.

Chapter 1
Chapter 7

And that brings me the plot of the comics. There are no plots for the most part. The story lines went in all directions with no conclusions. To my regret, I stopped work on Kong at Chapter 22 and Tutoring Jay at Chapter 12. Expect only gay boys and barbarians running from one sexual situation to the next. Gay webcomic sex

What’s in store for the future? There will be new comics coming along with the old. In fact, the Tricking at the Gym series with Bryer and Alexander will become a comic using the images from the gallery plus new images to create a full sized multi panel comic.

Gay webcomic sex